Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Thank you! Finally someone addresses this out loud. ‘My truth’ gets a bit squashed when sitting in. It must be sticky and contagious because It’s become one of those overused phrases being bandied about. It sounds so insincere when, ironically, it’s intended to project sincerity. There’s a subtext ‘let me tell you what I think and do not question my view on things’. Can the truth be possessed? Let alone sat on. Sitting in my shit sounds much more authentic.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Gambled and lost

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther


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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther


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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

When someone tells you they’re sat in their truth the chances are they’ve shat in yours.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

I recently began simply saying no. Freeing for me; most people do not understand how to handle it, especially since I used to apologize for every decision I made and caved almost always. People get used to the eventual yes. No. Realize I don't owe anyone any explanation for well--anything. I do get people stating that their personal truth. My truth of the reality of witnessing rape--of seeing my mother beaten. Of days of starvation. Of how painful opening all that up is but how needed. No one owns that--I do. No one can understand that. I do. That is why it is my own truth. We do have our own POVS and that is okay, but we can't pass them on to others and we have to accept that too. Which is why no has to become a new form of truth.

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I'm digging "the ones you wanted to fling on my table like a dead cat."

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Thanks. That's always been the image to me, the experience of it.

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This is a Rorschach blot of sorts. Trust level completely transforms the truth telling, wouldn't you say? In my experience, "your shit" can be a healthy reality check or a form of gaslighting and avoidance. Weaponized truth telling is an awful thing, either in the sharing or in the reply.

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Yes, and it’s more complex than I had time to get into this morning. I’m going to return to it.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Pigs actually are very clean animals

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Thank you for your comment. Also this is true.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

‘The truth is that you’re the same as me feelings are uncomfortable and No is a complete sentence’ Thank you ! Goosebumps in that last sentence

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Thanks Iris ❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

love the imagery 🤸‍♀️

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Walking away without justifying myself or apologizing Just done it ,whew ! It's taken me this long to do it with this person !

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Loving your work ❤️

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I put my deflector shield when I hear somebody say "my truth." Yeah, "my truth" is a laser blast.

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Nice 💪

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

haha...well put. It reminds me of that other over-used little gem - with all due respect - usually trotted out when someone is about to be very disrespectful. As Vix says, sitting in my shit is more it. And actually sounds way more cool. I'm going to try and use that today...

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Insignia has everything

Shampoo and shower gel

Deodorant and aftershave

The one all-over smell.

- Nelson Mandela

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What a coincidence I have that quote tattooed on my arm

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

I am slightly obsessed with misattributed quotes. Am I right in remembering you once had the ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate...’ Marianne Williamson poem often attributed to Nelson Mandela on a poster on your kitchen wall? Also - just saw this which made me smile https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/sep/12/dublin-marathon-medal-has-wrong-yeats-quote?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

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Yes, definitely had that. It was framed and everything. I found it the other day in the attic. I'm going to Fedex it to you

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

LOL. It turns out everything sounds more profound if you say Nelson Mandela said it

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"This is an actual truth." Nelson Mandela (also attributed to Yeats)

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Also, I love that quote but I’m not sure I’d give credit to Jane Fonda. Although I like Jane Fonda. https://quoteinvestigator.medium.com/quote-origin-the-word-no-is-a-complete-sentence-f239a905203d

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ah okay - as you probably realised I heard Meg LeFauve quote it from hearing Jane Fonda quote it on Julia Louis-Dreyfus' podcast....

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Great to see that you’re sitting in your truth about this

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you know I always do sam

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Iirc we have Oprah to blame for the increase in "my truth" statements. I disdain that & any variations of possessive truth statements. When you question anyone using it so many of them get so defensive and THAT is why those statements are nonsense! Stop getting so attached to ego and unravel from it overtaking you (not you per se) and stop listening to Oprah! She's a billionaire and so outta touch with reality for the average person. Anyhoo, thanks for this well-written post 🩶

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