That last sentence. All the balance and poise of a dancer at the Royal Ballet. Wonderful.

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Apr 21Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

“Why did these things always happen to her?” Indeed.

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The conflict moves here and captures. Oh, Ros!

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“Scott without the real Elvira there to guide him.” What a telling line. I’m gonna piggyback on Jeffrey‘s comment. The balance and poise throughout this piece is stunning.

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Thanks, Holly. There is nothing like the feeling that these words are hitting their mark.

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Feb 21Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

What a fabulous catch up. Saved the last three chapters ! So many mixed emotions for all the characters even Ros

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Feb 20Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

I’d been saving this because I knew it was going to be a brilliant episode and I wanted to have it with coffee and a pain au chocolate for ultimate enjoyment (and it was). I just didn’t want it to end. When the whole novel finishes I’m going to block out a day to read it start to finish. Bliss.

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Thanks, Chloe. I'm having a Nick Cave RHF #274 ish kind of day, so hearing this is a much needed shot in the arm. x

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Feb 20Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Glad to hear it helped. #274 is a brilliant shorthand for when we’ve been left museless btw x

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Feb 20Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

The dialogue reads so fluidly, like prestige streaming, or Rachel Cusk, so packed with nuance.

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I’ll take that comparison with a thank you, Alisa.

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Feb 19Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

had to look up pashmina. Great. Every time I read a chapter I feel fully immersed, dipped in that world you create.

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Ha! You can't move for them in the Home Counties. I'm taking it as a Good Thing that you didn't know what they were. And thank you. As a fan of your work, this makes me very happy.

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Feb 19Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Oh Eleanor I confess that I have dipped in and out of your beautiful writing over the past couple of months because ...life perhaps intervened. I am sitting here now having gone back to the beginning so as not to miss a word. It's intoxicating. Very much like I'm bingeing a long delicious Netflix series in one session as I am transported to the countryside of my teenage years. I have mentally cast every character and can smell the wet dogs and the tension that is between every line driving me to want to rug up for a strong G&T by the fire at the pub immediately. Only it is a summer morning here in Oz. Bless you for this brilliant writing.

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So pleased about that, and from someone who knows, viscerally, the emotional and physical landscape of this setting, it's a real gift to hear you say that. Settle in, blanket's over there, I'll get the first round.

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Evil Diane: "You're not to worry about the play."

Emotional preterition.

I'm loving hating her.

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That 'imagining' paragraph - how we anticipate things so viscerally is just haunting. This was a wonderful installment, Eleanor.

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Thanks, Kathleen x

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Thanks for restack!

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