I don't think science can always define what exactly dreaming is. Why are some dreams indistinguishable for reality in every single way? While most dreams are merely an unorganized collage of our subconscious.

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I find I have three kinds: transportative, prophetic & cleaning. The first kind I experience as absolutely real events, as real as this moment as I type.

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I have a foldout copy of the Bayeux Tapestry on a bookshelf in the living room I bought when I saw the real thing in Normandy. It provoked then, 20+ years ago, a very different kind of thought. You may know that the understanding is that it was designed and stitched all by Anglo-Saxon artisans, though it tells the story of the conquest from the perspective of the Norman conquerors. So it's an example not only of that adage that history is written by the victors but also of an instance in which the victors compelled the defeated to be their scribes.

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Now you mention it I have a vague recollection of knowing that. Bastards. I mean really. Still, this gift shop imitation, I’m quite fond of it.

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Oh wow - this has an echo of a story a friend in New Mexico once told me about a friend of hers in Santa Fe who had a guest who got up in the night thirsty and went to get a drink of juice from the fridge and when he turned round saw a bunch of conquistadores standing round the kitchen. Looked again and they were gone, of course! Yes - another old house, dating back to the Spanish invasion. I do think there is something about sleep and how it places you in a portal - dreamstate, otherworld? I guess time is just another layer.

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Wow, that’s so funny! So similar! I don’t know why I felt they were Spanish, yet I felt sure. Yes, old houses…. X

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

This tracing paper plane........what a thought, and not one with wings.....although yes too in lots of ways!! BRILLIANT writing on-goingly EB! xx

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Amazing. I too have this level of dreaming and experience. Or is it dreaming at all?

Loved this. It's important to be said and shared.

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Thanks. And yes, is it dreaming?

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Thanks for restack Russell

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