Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

When you’re on it’s like watching little crystals forming.

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Also given the mood I’m in it actually made me cry.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther


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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

(that's supposed to make you laugh)

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Ha! It did. x

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Love that.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Your style is fascinating and splendid, light and shade in multiples like a bee floating on the screen. They're not linear, your words. Remarkable.

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Thank you Jo

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“I’m thinking of Svalbard and why I went there and what I want today that I do not have. I went to feel something greater than connection to every day failures, to be placed before wonder, to shut up my complaining.”

Feeling this and remembering a trip I took to Norway when my son was small...and feeling this deep desire to be elsewhere...

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Wanting to understand what lights up the northern lights. I can think about that one for awhile.

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Thanks Russell

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Makes me think of Wallace Stevens' "The Auroras of Autumn" --here is part VIII:


There may be always a time of innocence.

There is never a place. Or if there is no time,

If it is not a thing of time, nor of place,

Existing in the idea of it, alone,

In the sense against calamity, it is not

Less real. For the oldest and coldest philosopher,

There is or may be a time of innocence

As pure principle. Its nature is its end,

That it should be, and yet not be, a thing

That pinches the pity of the pitiful man,

Like a book at evening beautiful but untrue,

Like a book on rising beautiful and true.

It is like a thing of ether that exists

Almost as predicate. But it exists,

It exists, it is visible, it is, it is.

So, then, these lights are not a spell of light,

A saying out of a cloud, but innocence.

An innocence of the earth and no false sign

Or symbol of malice. That we partake thereof,

Lie down like children in this holiness,

As if, awake, we lay in the quiet of sleep,

As if the innocent mother sang in the dark

Of the room and on an accordion, half-heard,

Created the time and place in which we breathed . . .

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An intake of breath - I don’t know how to spell that so I’m spelling it out instead, the effect on me of those words. Beautiful! Breathtaking. Thank you Mary x

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Hurrah for you and Wallace Stevens! "Inspiration" xo

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

You are a magical writer, Eleanor. This is the first time I’m saving a post here on Substack for beauty reasons.

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Oh Tina. You’re the second person who’s made me cry to today on here. I mean really cry. I had to take off my glasses. *subsequently now laughing/crying how ridiculous. Thank you.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

This is hilarious because someone just left a comment on a post of mine that made *me* cry so I read this comment with wet eyes and then I started laughing and so that’s what’s going on HERE. Cry more, though, because you’re something special. (Just checked out your novel from my library app so I can have a real Eleanor party.)

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I recognize that yearning to feel wonder, to have my mind blown so my reality is shifted in some way.

May the light seep into you in unexpected ways, may a small moment take your breath away and effectively hit the reset button.

Thank you for this heartfelt piece where you wrote the words we all feel.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Urgh. Writing, this authentic and beautiful, should be criminal. Ps I love you

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And thanks, Tor. Love you too. X

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Ollo tor

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Hello stranger x

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