I had to channel my inner ridiculous to not give a fuck how absurd the whole circus is and make it fun. Which it was. Even in the kind of pre-covid heals that I thought I’d seen the last of. I always want to be your hero 🙌
You’re really going for it, Eleanor! Loved your comment about introducing professionalism to the indie process. Without it, we’re just self-publishing.
This is all so exciting, for you, and for the larger community as you pave the way for others to publish independently. Congrats on so many levels and way to rock that red pant suit!
It’s available now as audio wherever you get your podcasts, but I’ll be taking the serialised chapters down next week as we’re about to take it out on submission. So yes, it will be out as published novel eventually…. And so happy you’ve heard great things about it. I’m super proud of it.
Super thrilled for you, and loving the generosity of you sharing a sense of the process. Power to indies everywhere!
Power to the indies!
Work it Eleanor. You're my don't fuck around, going after what I want, hero. And you know I dig that book! Gonna get me one.
I had to channel my inner ridiculous to not give a fuck how absurd the whole circus is and make it fun. Which it was. Even in the kind of pre-covid heals that I thought I’d seen the last of. I always want to be your hero 🙌
Congratulations on publishing and promoting. I look forward to putting your book in my Audible library. I too cash poor to buy a copy.
Thanks for your support
You’re really going for it, Eleanor! Loved your comment about introducing professionalism to the indie process. Without it, we’re just self-publishing.
Glamruss glamrussness in that photo shoot. When does that piece land on the newsstands?!
See you later this week!
Thursday 😬
—"heals and suit". What?
I can’t spell
Congratulations Eleanor! Fabulous news!
Thank you!
Congrats Ms. Anstruther! Did you want to make a sample avail on Amazon? I've heard this sells books
It's a good idea but only available to authors who publish thru KDP....
This is all so exciting, for you, and for the larger community as you pave the way for others to publish independently. Congrats on so many levels and way to rock that red pant suit!
That's exactly what I hope to be doing - paving the way, doing my bit for the larger community. ❤️
Exciting stuff!
This is all so exciting! You’ve been busy! Congratulations and thanks to you for sharing the journey and all these great resources. 👏
Can't wait to order the audiobook! I have heard great things about Fallout. Will that be published as a novel/audiobook eventually as well?
It’s available now as audio wherever you get your podcasts, but I’ll be taking the serialised chapters down next week as we’re about to take it out on submission. So yes, it will be out as published novel eventually…. And so happy you’ve heard great things about it. I’m super proud of it.
Congratulations! I’ll head to my local bookshop…
Thanks Allie!
Congratulations !
Thanks Maureen 😊
Yippeeeeee fantastic news. I
Love the front cover and want to buy the “ real “ book my darling. You’re a wonder !
Love you. Miss you. Mwah
🙌🏻 love you miss you em