The book that you remember so vividly, but can't find again... So many versions of that in childhood. But it also reminds me of a line attributed to Mark Twain -- something about how he'd reached the age where the things he remembered best never happened at all.

Do you know Teresa Jordan's memoir Riding the White Horse Home? Rather an old book at this point. But she has a lovely essay about her father that begins with a vivid memory of him being trampled by a bull. Only, after describing it vividly, she lets us know that she wasn't even alive when it happened. She'd just heard the story so often from relatives that she had begun to picture herself there at the edge of the corral. Kind of off your original topic, but maybe at least adjacent.

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Adjacent! And fascinating. And for a minute there I thought you were going to say “oh yes, that picture book by so and so here’s the link” 😬

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Ah, sorry to be a tease. Nope, the only bell your post rang was about the on-demand books that tell stories about your own kids. https://www.wonderbly.com/

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The search (and hope) goes on ....

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Here we see the horrible effects of crack cocaine working away at my poor mum - get well soon ❤️

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😂😂😂 Let me be a lesson to you all

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