Simon is the reason I came to Substack when I followed him over from Instagram. He is not only extremely talented, he is a genuinely nice guy. Great to see him featured here.

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Thanks, Matthew. Likewise! It has been fabulous making a new home here.

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Simon knows I'm a big fan of his wondrous Mantel year long read. It was one of my all time best reading experiences. His weekly supplements to the weekly readings are the delicious dessert after the meal.

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And through all that, we kept our heads. Thanks David.

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The depth and detail Simon produces for his readers is astonishing. I am now a delightfully addicted slow reader.

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Lovely interview with Simon who was one of my early meets here on Substack and it's been wonderful to see him flourish here!

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Great interview! And I really like, "All I know is that every word I write works twice: I want readers to want to read, and I must find satisfaction in the craft." A wonderful thought.

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Yes, I loved that line.

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Love this: "Substack is the first place where I have felt no pressure to choose: I write fully for myself and for my readers." Thanks for the conversation about writing, reading, and community, Simon and Eleanor.

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I read and appreciate every word Simon, and genuinely look forward to the emails dropping in to my in-box, not to mention the many wonderful tangents and rabbit holes I disappear down! I’m already wondering what joys you have in store for us next year, though hope it all flows at a pace that is healthy and fun for you

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Thank you, Jaimie! Next year, I think I’ll finally get around to running one slow read at a time!

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I just joined Footnotes and Tangents and would like to read Anna Karenina along with Simon’s commentary. How do I start at the beginning?

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Hey Elaine. Welcome! We're not actually reading Anna Karenina. We're doing War & Peace. It's all here: https://footnotesandtangents.substack.com/p/war-and-peace-2025 on the War and Peace home page.

If you'd like to read Anna Karenina, I recommend Henry Eliot's Substack: https://henryeliot.substack.com/s/anna-karenina

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Great interview with Simon, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on the past year, and you don’t need AI!

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Simon was one of my first finds on Substack in the December so I hopped on the January slow reads - last year was so much fun and I miss the process, Ben Miles’s sublime narration and reading your wonderful posts about Cromwell and all things Mantel. It took me to the National Portrait gallery purely by chance and my new interest and knowledge transformed my visit.

I’ve taken a break although I resubscribed and plan to emerge in May with the next Mantel book.

I am so happy to see your ongoing progress. 🙏🏻

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If not for Simon, I never would have read War and Peace. When I told him that book was my Everest, he promised me a leisurely walk across a valley. He and Tolstoy delivered.

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Great to see Simon Haisell featured here - what an absolute powerhouse you are Simon! Love your readerly passion - thanks for bringing us along with you.

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