Welcome to the community, Jameela. May the twats of the world never darken your door.

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I loved this interview, I like how sincere this is and how free we fill to comment and talk about this. I'm looking forward to continue on this community.

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Is it ironic that people on social media demand moral and behavioural perfection without displaying any?

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"This was a time before the algorithms and bots had our timelines in such a chokehold, when there was a true democracy to it all."

Ugh, the bots. How can we prevent that here? Although I fear it may already be happening; if you build it, they will come.

This was a surprising interview, thank you both.

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I am loving this interview so much 🥰

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Welcome. It's bold to be who you are especially on the first take. Everyone wants to edit themselves except those who are totally confident. And the boldest of the bold are on Substack. So you are in good company. Great that you are here.

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Ummmmmm, fantastic!

Jameela, I’ve adored every piece you’ve posted here—from that terrific first story that ended in clapping. So glad to welcome another disobedient liberal. May we all continue to seek to understand and may that keep the twats at bay.

Thank you, Jameela. Thank you for another fab interview, Eleanor.

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Wishing you wonderful holidays Eleanor. davpi3.14

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Love this 😍 The interview format, Jameela's fabulous personality exuding delightfully through her fabulous answers.. just lovely 👍 Thank you Eleanor 😊

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thanks, Eleanor, for all your appreciation.

Bee well and be good.


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Thanks, Jameela, for this inciteful interview.

love always


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I love these thoughts on why Substack feels like a safe home for the work of disobedient, rebellious women! I feel the same way! To consume an essay, you have to be invested in a way that people just aren't when they're scrolling social media. It requires a measure of trust and connection between writer and reader. Trolls don't have the patience for it and typically stay away. It's so refreshing!

FWIW, I like that you don't read your stuff back before posting. I revel in the typos. Are you familiar with the underground writer Clementine Morrigan? My guess is you are, but if you're not, OH MY GOODNESS are you in for a treat! She's the writer who inspired me to start my own Substack, and she is open about writing in feverish bursts and posting without proofing. Reading her work has done wonders for my tendency toward limiting perfectionism. And she has a giant international following based solely on her perfectly imperfect, passionate, inspired way of writing. I love her. Find her Substack at www.clementinemorrigan.com. (She has also been publicly canceled - very unfairly I might add - and speaks out strongly against the dangers of cancel culture. She has a podcast called F*cking Canceled. She's a damn hero.)

That all being said, if you ever want a second set of eyes on your essays before posting, I have an eagle eye for typos and would be happy to help. :) *frantically goes back and proofreads this comment four thousand times so as not to leave a typo in and be very embarrassed about this last sentence*

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I’m so glad you’re enjoying Substack! It was such a breath of fresh air. So many interesting and thoughtful people. They aren’t commenting or liking because they want something out of it. They want to give back to the writer because of what they received through the writing. It’s just so lovely! 💕

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"Writing is work. Writing is art. Writing is time. Writing is risk."

Very well put. What a refreshing and frank interview. Thank you.

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I love the rawness and anarchy and anti perfectionism here too, and the contrast that makes with other platforms. Even messy is contrived in other places, whereas here, it feels real. An enjoyable read Jameela and Eleanor

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Thanks Jameela and Eleanor for being such fabulous ladies.

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