Kitchens! Again brilliant writing.

And forgive me, but I’m rather glad Paul threw up all over the Hilperton’s trampoline.

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“He expected her to condemn their daughter for taking her bit of freedom while he carried on taking his.” Yes. I love how Janet is putting things together. Also, creamed balsa wood! I LOL’d. Great image.

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The build up to the end on this is so beautiful--the way Paul vomiting and Janet's mounting anxiety track in parallel. Such a perfect scene for TV.

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All I could see was chocolate vomit dripping through the springs of the trampoline 😬😂

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Simon's condemnation as never making Kate laugh is awful. Ray may be ridiculous but at least he can be silly.

The subject matter of the protest is less important than the act of protesting, which itself is an expression of frustration with traditional gender roles. Eleanor, your timing is excellent as we are about to have an American election very likely to set an historic high in gender voting disparity.

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I thought long and hard about the timing, knowing parts of the novel would coincide. I’m glad I went ahead, however aghast I am that this issue should even be in question.

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"Where Janet had a row of built-in cupboards, the Hilperton’s had a wooden dresser stacked with half used packets of brown food clipped with wooden pegs. Children’s paintings, cups on hooks, Kilner jars with things growing in them. There was the smell of yeast. Janet would be quite happy to go at the lot of it with a bin bag." I'm really enjoying the shifting sympathies and roles. Janet, Kate and Maureen, all admirable and vulnerable in the same short scene. Brilliant economy in the writing.

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