Aug 21Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

And here we are! Always correcting what we thought we knew... even about Ray. Love it!

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Whaaaaaa?!! Such a reveal.

The layering of depth—of the characters we know as well as those we meet—is sooo wonderful.

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Yes… Ray…

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Aug 18Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Ahhh! What a crazy good twist! The truth of the revolt rearing its head on all sides. Brilliant decision. Now I can lay down my judgement and invest in everyone.

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Aug 18Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Oh!!! I love a secret life! Ray! Granny Reynolds? You can't stop there!!

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Aug 17Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Goddamnit Ray! It was easier when you were just unlikable.

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What a complex and nuanced chapter. The philosophical bit at the beginning, of war seen through the eyes of a child, and the dad revelations. I love how well-rounded all the characters are. The dad might very easily have been flat, but you managed to make me really want to know more about him. Kudos to you, Eleanor!

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Aug 17Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

“He had on the same jumper and trousers he’d gone out in, but he was wearing lipstick. And eye shadow.” That was unexpected 😂

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Aug 17Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

All of the above and “We act with our hearts,” said the Granny Reynolds look-alike who was so switched on and alive it made Bridget think that every other granny must be drugged.”

And Rays secret life, I was wondering about him…

This just gets better and better!

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Aug 17Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Bridget is never going to be the same again! Your writing gets more gorgeous with each chapter.

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Aug 17Liked by Eleanor Anstruther

Love that Bridget wonders how all the women knew these things. And the woman’s answer: “‘We act with our hearts,’ said the Granny Reynolds look-alike who was so switched on and alive it made Bridget think that every other granny must be drugged.”

My other two faves: “You can’t stop war with war.  It’s like fucking for virginity.”


“one wrong word, one bad day, one narcissist psychopath despot tyrant waking up on the wrong side of bed and that’s that.”

What a marvelous turn for Bridget.

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She’s on a fast track to learning about life outside St Biddulph’s….

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"the immediate mass of song and twisting arms, the mess of life a wave against this flat black line, the void beyond like air ripped out, life zapped and laid with tarmac, a watchtower built to watch over its death in case life should spring up again." Such a gorgeous sentence (or rather, part of one). Brilliant.

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Thanks, Jeff.

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