Hello! Welcome to my Substack, the home of Indie Lit Fiction.

This space is dedicated to championing the cause of independent writers working in the field of literary fiction by increasing visibility, challenging stigma, and proving quality. In tandem with the mainstream publishing industry, I help make available to the public the best of literary fiction.

Being here means you believe in supporting independent artists, and you want to give indie authors of literary fiction an equal shot at the light.

Like every other independent artist, from film makers to chefs, musicians to festival organisers, indie authors are producing their work free of mainstream currents, unaffected by mainstream constraints. Yet unlike their peers in other artistic mediums, or even in other publishing genres, the literary fiction indie author finds themselves on the one shelf which struggles for positive reputation and recognition by the market forces that can make a difference to their lives. From reviewers, to festivals, booksellers to literary prizes, indie authors are shut out.

It’s my mission to change that, and you’re coming with me.

Please take a moment to acknowledge our patron saint, Virginia Woolf, who set up Hogarth Press in order to independently publish her literary fiction. Long live Woolf.

Why Subscribe?

Because you want to support the cause and it’s here that I show case my own work, stream fiction before it goes to print, publish essays on life as an independent artist, and help others to do the same.

Free subscribers have access to

  • 8 Questions: a weekly interview project featuring writers from every corner of the Substack universe

  • Publishing: an unscheduled series of essays exploring the learning curve of life as an independent author.

  • Classes & Events: news of upcoming workshops, live video, and anything else that takes my fancy

Paid subscribers have access to

  • The Obsessive Diary: a daily practice of writing whatever comes to mind.


About me

I was born in London, educated at Westminster School, and distracted from finishing my degree at Manchester University by a trip to India. I travelled for the next decade until finally settling down enough to write my first novel. I’ve run a commune, built a stone circle, got myself in deep holes and dug myself out again to get to this point when all I want to do is write. I’m passionate about the art, I believe it changes lives, and I want to make the best of it available to all. Oh, and I have three cats and a horse and two children who I homeschooled until they were eleven. So doing things the mainstream way has never been jam.

Want to know more? Go to my website eleanoranstruther.com

Published work:

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Literary Obsessive champions Indie Lit Fiction by increasing visibility, challenging stigma, and proving quality. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Rainbow at The Stones

Subscribe to The Literary Obsessive

A show case for my work, I stream fiction before it goes to print, publish essays & interviews, and champion indie lit fiction by increasing visibility, challenging stigma, and proving quality.


A Perfect Explanation (Salt Books) A Memoir In 65 Postcards & The Recovery Diaries (Troubador) In Judgement Of Others (Troubador) Fallout (Substack) rep'd by Jenny Savill ANA