I had a great night! Oh boy what it takes to get a novel up on its feet; the writing and belief, the hours and hours of editing. The practical wheels that must turn to take it from word doc to published book, the many people involved. To all of them, thank you. There will be more photos to follow, and a recording of my speech of which I’m pretty proud. It summed up the point of this book, the question of equal treatment of mental illnesses and disordered survival mechanisms, from bi-polar to narcissism, by way of alcohol and drug dependence, and why we don’t treat all these efforts to stay alive with the same compassion and professionalism no matter that person’s social status or way of acting out.
I’ll post the transcript along with a video of the live recording, but for now, here’s a snap of me taken by
. I’m holding the book, and a tarot card which brought me, he being an old friend who knows me, this universe, the light and the shadow so well. It’s the Knight of Swords. May we all cut through the bullshit.
This: "all these efforts to stay alive" ❤️
Looking forward to reading!✨✨✨✨
Congratulations Eleanor! What an important topic.