Got friends who are thinking of coming to Substack?
This is the workshop for them:
Have you ever considered that Virginia Woolf was an indie author? Hogarth Press was created by Woolf to publish her own books, and had Substack existed in 1917, she would certainly have been on it, exercising her artistic freedom, using it to try out new work, serialising her novels, and so much more. Now, you too can do exactly that. In this masterclass you’ll explore the joy and freedom of publishing online. I’ll open the door to Substack as a resource in alliance with mainstream publishing, a place to build a sustained writing practice, connect with readers, find community and take advantage of the opportunity to be seen by industry professionals. Join me as I guide you through the process of creating your own publication, from identifying your DNA, writing your first post, sharing the fear of pressing “publish”, through to the technical aspects of this online publishing platform. This is where the party is. There are no gatekeepers. Come on in.
Is this session for me?
Arvon masterclasses are regularly attended by writers who:
Are hungry for fresh thinking, stimulus and new ways into their writing
Are looking to keep up or boost their writing momentum
Have time constraints and can’t always commit to the live experience
Are wanting to try something new
Enjoy taking things at their own pace
Are looking to develop a regular writing habit
Are looking for a supportive environment in which to open up creatively
What will I gain?
A two hour writing workout – at your pace
Two hours of inspiring tuition from the finest writers at work today
Two hours to focus on your writing with guidance from experienced Arvon tutors
Two hours of craft, technique and writing prompts
Two hours that will propel your writing forward
Support from friendly Arvon hosts
Becoming part of an inclusive creative community
How does it work?
The Masterclass will be delivered via Zoom webinar, so you can take the session at your own pace, without the pressure of having your video or camera on. You can contribute via the chatbox with your tutor and other writers attending the session. Sessions are also recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you will have access to the recording afterwards. Masterclasses can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Just translate the UK time to your local time zone.
Why Arvon?
Arvon is a not-for-profit charity that has been running since 1968.
At Arvon, everyone who crosses the door of one of our writing houses is a writer – no matter what their age or writing experience – and all are welcome.
For more information About Arvon – Home of Creative Writing since 1968 – Arvon
Looks great Eleanor. Just booked!
I remember learning about the Arvon as a 17 year old who thought they might one day write fiction. (Haha, life). Beautiful to learn they're still here - and giving us support with the Substack process.